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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Adventures in Motherhood: Hoodwinked Book

You may have noticed a new button on the side of the blog (well, probably not, but here I am pointing it out to you so you can notice it now!). I am a part of a launch team for a new book called Hoodwinked. It's about being a mom. Little did I know when I applied to be on the team that it was a book that I needed to read. I plan on sharing some of the things God has been teaching me as I read and re-read the pages of this book - but today I just wanted to share the image below and the thought about grace it contains (which is a quote from the book!) 

If you just can't wait until next week to find out more about the book, you can click over to the Proverbs 31 Ministry page or you can pre-order the book from Karen Ehman's website (she is one of the authors of the book.)

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