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Saturday, August 22, 2015

Adventures in the Kitchen: CSA Week 12

We have had house guests for the past week and I just realized that I never posted our CSA box for the week! Eeek! 

Here it is! In the box was green beans, carrots, eggplant, corn, cucumber, watermelon, peaches, onion, yellow pepper, and tomatoes. 

We have been loving the fresh corn on the cob, but this might be more than the two of us can eat. So I'm thinking about freezing some of the corn. Anyone have any tips for freezing corn? 

We have yet to cut into the watermelon to see what color it or yellow, we are not sure! (It makes me think of the Big Bang Theory and Schrodinger's Cat...until we cut it open it is both red and yellow, right?!) 

And I'm thinking about trying this Tennessee Peach Pudding recipe (and modifying it to be gluten and dairy free) with some of the yummy peaches we have been getting! 

Peaches and corn are in abundance in our house right now - and I couldn't be happier about it! 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like we are getting lots of the same stuff in our CSA boxes! I made a peach crisp with all our peaches and it was so good I made it AGAIN the next week (and debating making it this week, or freezing the peaches to make it this winter - so peaches freeze?).
