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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Adventures in Lent: She Reads Truth Lent Bible Study

I've been a fan of the She Reads Truth app/website for a few years now, but today I'm starting something new! In January I decided that I wanted to order one of their Bible study books to do and today is day one (it's a Lent Bible study, so it starts on Ash Wednesday.)

As I opened the crisp pages of this new book this morning, I was wondering if anyone else was doing the same study - either with the book or using the app? (If you have been looking for a new study - it's not to late to join in on this one online or using the app!) 

Or are you doing a different Lent Bible study? 


  1. I'll be joining in online. I love She Reads Truth!
    May your 40 days be blessed :)

  2. Thanks for this because I have this app and will start this tonight. I didn't even realize it was on the app.
