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Monday, May 13, 2013

Adventures in Life: Flowers, A Sneak Peek, and Muscle Cars

Did you have a good Mother's Day weekend? 

We had a jammed packed weekend, full of fun times with friends and family. 

Daniel and I both got to spend time with our moms yesterday! 

We picked up some flowers to plant in the front flower planter box we made last year.

I threw (what I consider to be) a successfully fabulous gender neutral baby shower. 
(here is a sneak peek...more pictures and details of the shower to come!) 

And thanks to our transmission going out on our vehicle, we got to drive around in this all weekend...
Normally, I am not a muscle car girl, but this ride is sweet! 
It's a rental. 
Our philosophy is if you are going to have to rent a car, it might as well be fun!! 

What's the most fun vehicle you have ever driven? 
Happy Monday!! 


  1. A Challenger would be SO fun! Hope your car is fixed soon. And those cookies look so cute; I kind of want a cookie now.

  2. Oh man my husband would love that car haha.

    The cookies are adorable!
