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Friday, April 22, 2016

Adventures in Life: Facebook

I was in college when Facebook first started. Back when it was only for college students. (Did you even know it started as only for college students?!) Back then you could catch up with friends from high school who you may have lost contact with or join a group with a crazy name. Leave a happy note on a friends wall or check out photos. It was a fun time waster especially if you had a paper to write! 

Over the past 10 years Facebook has changed a lot. Now you have a "feed" that showes you what your "friends" are sharing/doing/liking. Almost any article posted on the Internet has a "share this on Facebook" button. And so many people use it to spread negativity instead of encouragement. 

It's the negativity that some days makes me want to quit Facebook. When I read an argument between family members with differing opinions about a sensitive topic. Or complete strangers being cruel to each other for expressing a point of view. It's happened to me and if you have Facebook it has probably happened to you. Why do people feel free to "talk" to others in such a negative way? I know, we are all free to say what we want but should we? 

Anyway, I stay on Facebook to see the happy things - new babies, accomplishments like successfully defending a thesis, family news, cute kid pictures....for now. 

What about you? Do you love Facebook? Do you hate Facebook? Do you have Facebook? 

Oh, here is an example of the reason I still use Facebook- cute kid picture!
(Rebekah - 20 months old riding her horse built by her Great-grandpa and sporting her new pink cowgirl boots.) 

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