No, I did not forget the "E" in the title of today's post.
Today is Pi Day!
March 14th
As in π
Think back to math class...
I know you may have tried hard to forget math class...
You got it!?
I LOVE celebrating Pi Day...mostly because I am kinda a math nerd. I just love numbers and how they make such great patterns, or in the case of π a number that never ever makes a pattern!
3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971
I shared some ideas on how to celebrate Pi Day last year on THIS POST.
This year I thought I would just give a little refresher on what the number of Pi (π) is, just so you can feel extra smart today!

*Pi has been calculated to over one trillion digits passed its decimal by computers.
And a fun fact that I just learned today
3.14 written backwards spells PIE!
(Mind blown! Right?!)
So use this post to justify having a big slice of pi(e) today!
Happy Pi Day!
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