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Friday, July 4, 2014

Adventures in Pregnancy: 35 Weeks

Soooo....I'm pretty bad at keeping you all updated on things at the moment! I've started this post 3 different times. 33 weeks, 34 weeks, and now that I'm almost 35 weeks I'm finally hitting publish! Here we go:

How Far Along: 35 weeks (tomorrow)

Size of baby: About the size of a honeydew melon (about 18 inches and 5 lbs)

Maternity Clothes: 95% of the things I'm wearing are maternity. There are still a few non-maternity items that work.

Gender: Girl!

Movement: Yep! She has been enjoying stretching her legs and smashing my ribs together...not so fun! 

Sleep: Accepting the new normal of getting up every few hours. Right now it's to use the bathroom, but when she gets here it will be feeding and changing - good practice I guess!!

What I miss: Lots of things - being able to pick things up off the ground easily, not bumping my belly into the edge of the sink when I wash the dishes, being a normal temperature (I'm hot all the time!), being able to go more than an hour or 2 without using the bathroom (she loves to kick my bladder...), being able to see my whole shirt and know if it is dirty...But I know all of these things are totally worth it!

Cravings: No craving necessarily, but I've been loving watermelon, fruit popsicles, cucumbers, honey wheat pretzels.

Most Excited For: Getting carpet in the nursery (tomorrow) and setting up her room! And meeting our baby girl in about 5 weeks.


  1. I am so excited for look so beautiful! Have a fast and easy delivery.....God Bless.

  2. Ah, what fun, getting the nest all ready for her arrival. I still remember that time it has been a long, long time ago. :o) All the best in the weeks ahead.

  3. I can't believe that this is the first time I am either noticing post about your being pregnant (CONGRATS!) and that we are so close in our pregnancies... I am 40 weeks today.... Yikes...

  4. Sheesh, this would make you almost 37 weeks now! Your pregnancy has gone by so fast - probably because I've been a blog-reading slacker. You look wonderful! She'll be here so soon!
