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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Adventures in Life: Never, Ever, Ever

Neely @ A Complete Waste of Makeup is playing a fun little game today called Never, Ever, Ever and I thought I would play along. 

Let's be honest, quite often I am amazed at what comes out of people's mouths. Good, bad, filtered, un-filtered...people say crazy things! Am I right?

Here are 10 things you would never, ever, ever here me say:

1) Why don't we head home, I don't really want to watch the sun set over the ocean. 
2) I think I will pass on the steak tonight and go with the sea bass. (Hate fish, love steak!)
3) I'm sick of looking at the changing colors of the fall leaves. 
4) I would love to take this tiny sail boat out on the open ocean.  (I get so sea sick!)
5) This vacation is waaaay to long. 
6) I'll pass on the brownie, could I please have some celery?
7) I've seen this episode of FRIENDS to many times. 
8) I would rather run a mile than swim a mile. (I could hardly make myself type that one!!) 
9) Let's watch a foreign film tonight. (sorry foreign film lovers out there...just not my cup of tea!)
10) I don't ever want to make another craft or sew another stitch. 

Speaking of crafts - have you voted for your favorite duct tape project over at So You think You're Crafty?!? There are some awesome items made from duct tape - any guesses on which one I made?? Thanks so much for voting!!

What is something you would NEVER say? 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Adventures in Favorites: April Favorite Things

Good Morning Friends!! Between our vacation at the beginning of the month, and all the crafting for the So You Think You're Crafty competition I'm in, the month of April has FLOWN by! Here are a few of my April "favorites"! 

(1) Finally, at the very end of April, it is starting to feel like spring! This is pretty much my favorite thing to see on the weather forecast!! Not to hot, not to cold, not to sunny, and not to cloudy. PERFECT!  

Partly Cloudy

(2) With the warmer weather comes the blooming of my FAVORITE tree ~ the Magnolia tree. They grow all over in my area and have the most beautiful pink blossoms. They are just stunning! 

(3) Que Bella Beauty is a new line that I discovered at Target! 
Super affordable, and super fun to pamper yourself or a friend!
(more about this new favorite product in a few days when I reveal what I got from Taylor@ Pink Heels Pink Truck in my Pamper Me Pretty Box!) 

(4) Cornmeal from Papa - this is my favorite brand of corn meal, and I can not find it anywhere around here. 
When we were in South Carolina at the beginning of the month, Daniel's Grandfather loaded us up with a stash...which I am rationing carefully! 
My favorite thing to make with it is GF Cornbread!
(Is it totally crazy that I have a favorite brand of corn meal?!)

(5) My new (to me) crafting shelf!! 
It was my craft for last week's theme of Upcycle on So You Think You're Crafty, and I TOTALLY love it! The shelves have chalkboard pain on the edges, so I can label and re-label where I want things on the little shelf. You can read more about how I made it HERE.

(6) Crafting in general has been my favorite this month. I have LOVED being in the So You Think You're Crafty competition (and I hope to continue for a few more weeks, if I don't get voted off!!) and I have gotten to make some new, great crafts that have just been so fun! 
This week's theme is "Duct Tape." 
So every project is made using...
Duct Tape! 
(This was the hardest round for me yet!) 

Do you have any April favorites?? 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Adventures in Crafts: Chalkboard Craft Shelf

Thanks everyone who voted on this week's round of So You Think You're Crafty!
Could you guess which project was mine?!
It was the Chalkboard Craft Shelf!
(Which came in 2nd place! Eek!)
I am LOOOOOVING my upcycled shelf.

I had my eye on this little shelf since we purchased our house almost 4 years ago. It was all alone on the basement wall, collecting dust. Last year when we started Operation Finish Basement, I rescued it from going into the dumpster. I have always wanted a shelf to keep all of my small crafting items on, all together in one place, rather than tucked away in random boxes and places. And I have been wanting to try chalkboard paint on a project... So here is my upcycled Chalkboard Craft Shelf!
Each of the shelves has a little lip on it that I painted with chalkboard paint. The shelves are labeled with chalk and if I need to relocate and item or add a new area, I just erase the chalk and re-write the label! I am a huge fan of labeling and this chalkboard paint just makes it so easy!!
I also repurposed some empty (and washed) tin cans, jars, and bottoms of cardboard boxes to hold some of my craft items. I also dressed the top of the shelf up by adding the hand made letters "CRAFT" and the little pin wheels. My favorite addition to the shelves it the ribbon shelf! I installed the dowel  held up by 2 pieces of 2X4's, so that I can just roll off how much ribbon I want!

Next week's theme is
Duct Tape!

Linking up with Thrifty Decor Chick's May Before and After party!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Adventures in Products: Clinique Free Gift Time!!

It is FINALLY starting to feel like spring around here!
And I've got a little help to get me into the spring mood...

The Clinique Free Gift! (at Von Maur)

There are 2 choices of colors either "pink" or "violet" 
and I went with pink! 
(Look at all those pink colors boost the spring mood!)

The item on the far left of the picture is not apart of the free gift, but everything else it. There is a blush, mascara, lip gloss, lip stick, under eye moisturizer, and regular moisturizer. AND it all comes in that super cute make-up bag! I already love Clinique mascara and lip gloss, but am excited to try the other products. 
Now, they are not just handing these babies out for free. You DO have to make a purchase of $25.00 to get one, but I had been wanting to try the Moisture Surge Tinted Moisturizer, so I splurged and got some!

Have you ever gotten the Clinique Free Gift?
(If not, you should!!) 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Adventures in Life: Misc. Monday

Happy Monday Friends!

Today I've got a few misc. things to let you know so I am going with a list format...

The flood waters have (THANKFULLY) gone down since last week. 
And our backyard is back above water! It looked like this for days:

I am guest posting today over at Fireflies and Jellybeans!
Click over to check out the super awesome project I am sharing over there today!
Just Click Here!
(IF you are hosting or going to a baby shower this spring you NEED to check this post out!)

Blogging tip of the day: if fellow blogger is looking for someone to do a guest post for their blog, you should totally volunteer. It's a great way to make friends, meet new people, share your ideas, and it gives you a chance to try new ideas! Oh, and if you are looking for a guest poster, I am your gal! 

Today is the first day of Round 5 of So You Think You're Crafty. Can I just say, I did not think I would make it this far in the competition! I am thrilled to still be in it. This week all the crafts are "upcycled or repurposed" meaning everyone was to take something old and not very useful and breath new life in to it...and boy and I excited about my project! I just love it!
So check out the projects and vote for your favorite!

Click {HERE} to vote! 
Linking up today with:
miscellany monday at lowercase letters

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Adventures in Crafts: Awesome Alien Robots

I just squeaked passed round 4 of So You Think You're Crafty!
Did you guess which project was mine?! 
It was:

Last weeks project was tricky because I wanted to think of a FUN project for kids, that was still crafty, but easy enough for kids to do on their's no fun for a kid to watch a grown up do 75% of the craft. And while I think all of the projects submitted last week were great, I do not think all of them would be fun and do-able for kids (but that's just me...and I don't have kids maybe I'm wrong...)

But no worries here, because my Awesome Alien Robots got enough votes to make it to the next round!

The crafts that I remember having the most fun with as a kid, where the ones where I got to use my imagination. So with that in mind, I raided my recycle bin and "odds and ends" craft drawer, and put my imagination to work! These alien robots are fun, inexpensive, and are only limited by the creator's imagination. Anything goes with this "kids can do" craft! 
Meet Pink Eye, Camo, and Bob. 

Round 5 is "Upcycle or Repurpose" 
And I LOVE my entry for this round
(I can't tell you which one it is!)
I am totally thrilled with how it turned out! 
Voting starts on Monday! 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Adventures in Reading: Avenged by Janice Cantore

I enjoy police drama TV shows, like NCIS and Bones, so when I read the Avenged book description, I knew right away I would enjoy this book. 

"When Officer Carly Edwards finds three young gangbangers shot execution style, she and her husband, Sergeant Nick Anderson, head of the gang unit, fear Las Playas may be on the verge of a gang war. The Las Playas PD is put on high alert as tensions escalate between rival gangs, especially after Carly confiscates weapons from a gang leader and learns they were stolen from a military base along with explosive devices.

But something isn’t adding up, and Carly suspects there may be more going on. As she prepares to testify at a major trial, Carly’s reputation is shredded by a reporter apparently trying to discredit her professionally. Facing pressure on all fronts, Carly must rely on her faith and trust God in a deeper way during one of the biggest struggles of her career."

The twists and turns of the investigation lead by Officer Carly Edwards drew me in right from the beginning and kept me turning the pages well into the night. The story line is very realistic and I appreciated the Christian themes throughout the book in the lives of the characters and the decisions they were faced with.

This book is the third in a series and having never read the first two books, there were parts of the story that I did find confusing, like I was missing some information that the writer assumed I knew. However, this did not make me put the book down. Now that I have finished book #3, I will be going back to start on book #1!

I received a free copy of this book from Tyndale House Publishing for the purpose of this review. The review is my honest opinion. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Adventures in the Backyard: When The Creek Gets High

When the creek gets high...that sounds like some kind of motivational metaphor...but not today! We have gotten buckets and buckets of rain in the past 24 hours and the creek in our back yard, which is normally a sweet little rambling mini-river like this:
(Ignoring all the construction in the foreground, there is a creek behind the trees in the back ground.)
Now is a roaring river like this
There is a pine tree in both above pictures on the very far left. And is a good point of reference as to how high the water is. 
Most of this picture is our neighbor's yard. The white poll in the middle is an umbrella that they have on their brick patio. 
The brick wall is the property line between our yards. There is about 2 inches of water over the side walk down there. 

And it is still raining...

We have several more feet to go before we have to worry about the water reaching our house, and we are very thankful for our sump pump (which has been running every 5 minutes all night long!!).
But we are praying that the rain stops soon...

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Adventures in Tips: From The Plumber #3

Tip #3
Toilet Talk
Only flush human waste and toilet paper down the toilet! 

Even if the product you are using 
seems flushable 
like Kleenex or dental floss 
Even if the product you are using
 says it is flushable
like baby wipes, tampons, or toilet bowl scrub pads..


If you are easily grossed out, don't keep reading this one, just follow the above directions.
(Ok, you were warned!)

When Daniel goes to fix a clogged toilet, about 70% of the time it is a tampon related clog. I know they say flushable. But when one gets stuck somewhere in your sewer line, it is only a matter of time before more are added to the clump and suddenly you have a completely blocked pipe. So, trust me, throwing them in the trash is way cheeper than paying a plumber to unclog your toilet!

Did you miss a Tip?

Monday, April 15, 2013

Adventures in Crafts: SYTYC Round 4

Friends, I am thrilled to report that I have made it to Round 4 on


This week's theme is 
"Kid's Can Do"
Meaning all the crafts are things that are fun and creative and kid friendly!
So if you are looking for a kid friendly craft to try our with your kids or grandkids,
click {HERE} to check out the entries and please vote for your favorite. 
If you don't have kids, but would like to check out the great ideas for kids crafts and to vote,
click {HERE}
(Don't worry, you don't have to pick one or the other, both links go to the same place!) 

If you missed it, here are my entries in the previous 3 rounds
Round 1 ~ Spring "Grow With Me" Dress

Round 2 ~ Knock Off Bel-Air Bedding

Round 3 ~ The Game of Memory 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Adventures in Crafts: The Game of Memory ~ Scrap Style!

I survived to craft another week at So You Think You're Crafty! 
Thanks to everyone who went over to vote!

Did you guess which Scraptastic craft was mine?! 

It was The Game of Memory ~ Scrap Style!

How I made the game pieces:

Gathering the most fun fabric scraps I could find, I cut 48 squares of fun fabric scraps to make 48 Memory squares.

 I backed each scrap with a white quare and then decided to make a white frame on the fun fabric side so that there was no color showing when the squares were flipped face there was no sneaky peeking going on during the game! 

So each tile has 4 pieces of fabric sewn together 
Starting from the bottom:
(1) Solid white square
(2) Slightly smaller grey square 
(3) Colorful fabric *Make sure ever square has a match!
(4) White "frame" square - same size as the bottom square, just with the middle cut out. 
 Pin the layers together in the correct order and zig-zag stitch around the inside opening to hold the colorful fabric tile in place. Then I used a serger to finish the outside edges, but a zig-zag stitch could also be used to finish the edges.
I whipped up this little travel bag out of a scrap as well to keep all the pieces together! 
We had a fitted sheet that was worn out in the middle, but the fabric on the edges was fine. So I cut off a corner, replaced the elastic with a string, sewed up the other 2 sides and ta-da! 
The Game of Memory ~ Scrap Style! Anyone want to play?!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Adventures in Sewing: Hydrangea Accent Pillow

My favorite part of the Knock-Off Bel-Air Bedding is the Hydrangea Accent Pillow in the center.
And it was really the easiest part of the whole project!
Here is how I made it!
First, I cut a bunch of '4 leaf clover' shapes from white cotton fabric,
and 2 squares of the grey fabric (20 inches X 20 inches).
Taking one white piece at a time, using needle and thread, go threw the center of the shape, and then around in a circle. Pull the thread tight and stitch to the center of one of the grey squares. 

I used an embroidery hoop as a guide for the circle shape of the hydrangea. 

It took about 50 white pieces to fill in the circle.
 Stitching it by had took a while, but I am really happy with how it turned out! 

Linking up with TDC

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Adventures in Vacation: 10 Things to do in Myrtle Beach, SC

Over the past few years we have taken 3 vacations to Myrtle Beach, the most recent being our vacation last week. We have family who live in the area, which makes it even more fun to visit this area! I thought I would make a list of some of our favorite places to visit when we are in Myrtle case you ever find yourself there! 

1) The Alabama Theater ~ There are several theaters in Myrtle Beach. On our most recent trip we saw The One show at the Alabama Theater. It was a great, family friendly evening of entertainment. Singing, dancing, comedy, acrobatics...we loved every minute of it! 

2) Tanger Outlets ~ If you are wanting to do a little shopping, I seem to make my way to the outlet mall on every trip to Myrtle Beach with Daniel's Grandmother. We always find some great deals here! 

3) The Boardwalk ~ Myrtle Beach has a BEAUTIFUL boardwalk! We love to walk and take in the sights. 
View of the Myrtle Beach boardwalk

4) Sticky Fingers ~ If you like a good southern rib dinner, the Sticky Fingers is the place to go! Yum! 
5) The Piers ~ On our most recent visit we decided to walk out on one of the long piers along the boardwalk. Now for people who live on the ocean, maybe walking out on a giant pier is no big deal, but it was super fun for me. We even saw a man who was fishing off the pier catch a baby shark (or what we thought looked like a baby shark!)

6) Golf ~ I'm not much of a golfer, but Daniel is, and I am learning! Daniel's grandparents live on a golf course in Myrtle Beach, so we got to play and visited the driving range several times. They are all so patient with me and my lack of golf skills. 

On the golf course in Myrtle Beach 2010

7) Miyabi ~ Another restaurant...can you tell we like to eat while on vacation?! This is a Japanese restaurant, the kind where they cook the food in front of you - like dinner and a show at the same time!

8) Myrtle Beach State Park ~ If the Boardwalk version of the beach is a bit to loud and crowded for you, then head on down a little ways to Myrtle Beach State Park. The beach here is much more quiet! 
Myrtle Beach State Park
9) Brookgreen Gardens ~ This may be my favorite thing I have done in Myrtle Beach. 
      Our visit to Brookgreen Garden 2011

Brookgreen Gardens is a National Historic Landmark with the most significant collection of figurative sculpture in an outdoor setting by American artists in the world and has the only accredited zoo on the coast of the Carolinas. I could spend days here. With every turn of your head, there is a new stunning view!

10) The SkyWheel  ~ This is one thing I have not gotten to do in Myrtle Beach, but it is on my "to do" list for our next visit. Giant Farris Wheel over looking the ocean anyone?! 

Have you even been to Myrtle Beach? What's your favorite MB activity?

 Top Ten Tuesday at Many Little Blessings

Monday, April 8, 2013

Adventures in Life: Round 3 ~ Scraptastic!

Round 3 of the craft competition starts today! 
The theme is 
Meaning all the crafters were required to use some kind of scraps in their craft.

Could you take a few minutes to go over to
So You Think You're Crafty
check out the projects,
and vote for your favorite! 
(Can you guess which project is mine?) 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Adventures in Favorites: Pinterest Sunday Social

Who doesn't love Pinterest?! 
Today's Sunday Social is all about favorite pins, so here we go!

1) My favorite outfit pin

2) Favorite Food Pin


3) Favorite Wedding Pin
(I WISH Pinterest had been around when I was planning my wedding! So many great ideas!!)
Like this ~ Have your loved ones write in blue on the bottom of your shoes. Something blue to help you walk down the isle. 


4) Favorite DIY/Craft Pin
I totally want to do this in the new linnen closet in our basement. 
Drawers instead of shelves!
5) Favorite Quote


6) Random Pin I am loving right now....
I just love everything about this picture, the colors, the textures...


 Happy Sunday! 

Sunday Social